Benefit from locally produced goods

With Ekraus, you can participate in local initiatives and
invest in climate tech solutions for your own home..

What does Ekraus offer installation companies?

Together with our initiators, we take care of the marketing for you and make the customer data accessible to you via our platform.

For free
Together with our initiators, we take care of the marketing for you and make the customer data accessible to you via our platform.

Together with our initiators, we take care of the marketing for you and make the customer data accessible to you via our platform.


Qualified interested persons bundled from one region

The participants of an initiative are informed in advance about the respective product category and given answers to any questions that may arise.

Bundling simplifies project management. Your installation teams can install several systems at once within one region.

Via our platform or our partners, you can view the details of the participants and upload individual offers and invoices.

An initiative in 3 steps

Respond to request

You find out about our initiator's plans through a request or a direct enquiry. On CoBenefit you receive further details on the request and express your interest to the initiator via our platform.

Receive acceptance

If you meet the necessary price and performance criteria, you receive the acceptance for an initiative. You will then be given the credentials to register on our platform or with our partner.

Provide service

The initiative is launched on CoBenefit and residents can register. Via our platform or our partners, you can access the customers' data and contact them. You provide the offered service to the customers.

Would you like to buy locally produced goods?